Friday, December 27, 2019

2019 Japan Part 5 - Osaka

What typifies a city? History, culture, relative accessibility to places of interest/sight-seeing, food, shopping? Osaka, famous for Takoyaki and other delights, is a self-proclaimed food heaven. We wanted to experience how a 'street food' can elevate to become fine dining. is our choice.
Decent drinks with enough dosage to go with the balls.

 The cheese is the best.. ...yumz

La wife's love for a bun whose head is bitten off every episode and the father rebakes it back? The idiosyncrasies of Japan!

Osaka. can you see the 381 people.
 Yes our contribution to Japan's economy. Really good shoes btw!

I was KO soon and time for rest time and animal cafes are the way to go. Having visited numerous cats, owl and 'regular' cafes, le wife chose her spirit animal, the Snake! #Gasp

Snakes, reptiles, what's the difference. This little thing grew impatient and it shat on me! And I dropped him....(luckily it was like a 5cm drop onto a table), else I've no idea if they can withstand a 1meter drop?! Yes we had to agree to be bitten but the clauses didn't include being shat on!

 Yes, swallow from the head.

Anyway, reptiles are pretty harmless, their texture is much less leathery/rough then what wallets and bags have made us think of them.  Cool creatures un-deserving of the tag that they're poisonous and kill lots of humans. It was a bad KO after this. Going to the maze in Osaka station, hunting for panadol, sitting in an onsen to get blood flowing especially to the feet)...

 On the final day, both of us coughing bad, we hunted down 2 more eating places.
 can't rem the name of this. it's 'duck broth soba with michelin star'. nothing worked here. le wife's tofu broth was better!
 Okonomiyaki....again, no clue what 'status' a street food can be elevated. A snack at most, sorry no gourman or ratings will be given.  First word is 'ki'. sorry can't read the 2nd word...damn!

It was an amazing race rush to the hotel to lug the bags to reach the airport limousine (near intercon). We made it with 30s or so to spare!
 really amazing engineering that man can build an airport in the middle of nothing. Kudos to Osaka/Japan for showing the world frontier engineering!

Summary. A great trip especially the first half, even though the lack of snow was a meh, I needed just moments to be 'one' with the be happy. Riding puts a smile....supermaket raids too. Driving /sliding in ooh. Togakushi is wow... The cities Kyoto and Osaka are nice, but I prefer the wild.... Japan, we'll meet you soon again!

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