Trips included a Penang tripd in March, Bangkok trip in May, wine trips to Tuscany in May and Champagne/Burgundy in October, a business trip to Shanghai in July.
A few thoughts, that humans live on memory and experiences, time is fleeting, our bodies and mind fragile, monetary possessions transient.

We've witness the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, whilst we camped for several hours in the early hours, and mourned with fellow Singaporeans for a full week. It was either eternal gratefulness that our generation can reap the fruits which our forefathers have planted.
A hopefully yearly shot of the family.

My dad's 70th Birthday.

The passing of grandmother in May this year. Every Chinese Near Year we visited, and 2015 turned out to be the last.

And 36 candles were celebrated with the elixir of life, oysters!

A year of fabulous wine&dine with life long friends.

Continued practice/strive of Yoga.

The passing of our favourite cat Tommy, truly reduced me to my emotional core, and realised with more clarity on what 'really matters'. It was 1 week of roller coaster ride at the Vet, cat blood donors, transfusion, steriods, the beautiful passing, cremation, closure with the ashes of Mocha, Junior & Tommy combined and 'went home' together.
It was a very tearful farewell, but like Mr Lee Kuan Yew, it is indeed good Karma, or fate/luck, to be able to pass on with charm and dignity, almost at perfect timing, and indeed we're blessed.
Without a doubt, 2016 will be the continued journey, with each passing breath, heartbeat, to look for memories that take my breath away, with renewed friendships, new acquaintances and more.
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