Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Hida Beef, Oiishi ne!

What is happiness? It's usually an accumulation of satisfying one's senses. We were at Oiishi Japan 2012 exhibition at MBS. Hida beef's store was there. There was tasting a three time slots and 10 minutes before each session, there was already a 15 man queue waiting patiently for the master to start cooking the beef. Cute in squares and thinly sliced, the steak was panned cooked for a few minutes, before hosting onto serving plate and a dose of brown salt later, it was happiness sloshing around my mouth. Flavours, textures, soft but doesn't melt and disppear in your mount, just the right amount of 'bounciness' . Simple. Awesome. Mind-blowing!

Went for a second round, no regrets, happiness was spelled H-I-D-A-BEEF that day....

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