Day 2, end of days, Cavalotto, one of the most breath-taking vineyards yet. Cresting a ridge along the holiest of the King of Wines - Barolo! We arrived at Cavalotto almost during sunset, a pretty difficult place to find! Attached are great introduction to the wines, big barrel fermentation, classic titanium cork-screw openers!!
Day 3, another day of wine!! Arrived at Elvio Cogno ON TIME, with Elizabeth of Praleum. Heritage building, fantastic views, an adorable cat (soft fur, has appetite for grass!), investment in 'sqaure' steel fermentation tanks (very expensive), creation of Elena wine--> A top tier wine in the estate named after Cogno's daughter ; her drawing is found the bottles!, blending of varietals at the time of crushing instead of after fermentation, discarding entire crop if quality is not up to part, lovely wines, lovely wine marker, dream estate!
The last of the visits, Bruno Rocca. Had high hopes for this as their Maria Adelaide left a good impression on me earlier. Their Rabaja wines are also pretty famous. The vineyard and cellars doesn't look as impressive as others we have been, and perhaps were also also tired out from the vineyard hopping! Bruno and Luisa were really friendly to share the philosophy in their wine making. ;)