Sunday, February 17, 2008

NUS Biathlon 2008!!

Be One.

It was the most ill-prepared of my 3 consecutive NUS biathlons (2007)(all in the sprint event 750m swim, 5km run). The quality of the field seemed to have improved as I was overtaken like a stationary ragdoll, whacked and tossed around in the filty seas of the east coast of Singapore.
(hindsight: while re-reading the program, the next wave was for Tertiary Invitational!, no wonder I was swurmed (swum+swarmed) by dozens of dudes/gals in the water! Its a valid excuse, I must say!!)

My time was about the same as previous years, hence the field must have improved! Excuses put aside, I did enjoy the race, the swim was in clockwise fashion, so I could view the line at all times though Wenhui still pointed that I was like snake rather than a fish in the sea..). The middle section of the swim was really tough battling pretty strong currents and countless overtakers! The run was more or less uneventful as I knew what to expect. It was still a tough 5km after battling the seas!

Triathlon, NEXT!

Images to fact..only one image, and yes, you won't get to see me topless!!

Here's a derilious junkie sashaying at the finishing line with a clueless gal trying to do up a caricature!?

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