Waited ~4 yrs..or 7 yrs to do this trip. To a F1 Grand Prix with a Good View. Finally...plonked down the dough to get K1 Gold tickets, and spend hell of a weekend with My Loved One up north! This thread will be more of a photo blog entry...

Welcome to Sepang! Colourful weekend awaits you while track officials checks on quality of the track

Swarmed by Ferrari Fans..well...what to do.....

Wenhui here seen butchered by the exhorbitant pricing of food! If its GOOD food, I wouldn't mind forking out, but charge me HIGH price for food you can hardly swallow? OMG....

Some family member of Villeneuve

Some pro getting break, look closely and you'll find 2G CF cardSssss. + >S$10K worth of Glass...

Getting ready just before the 5 lights! at the edge of the pit straight!!

Fisichella leads the pack into 1st corner cleanly. Man, was firing away, no idea who was leading...this the dilemma between shooting an event you love to WATCH.

Kimi!! My fav driver! Alas, crashed out during the first lap by Nick Heifeld...grrrr This pic taken during qualifying...or was it free practice... well, panning at 300mm was really difficult without IS nor monopod nor experience. (enough excuses yeah?)

Multiple burst mode of one of the key points of the race, schu makes his way up the field, seen here bullying past trulli.

Anxious fan looks on as the red cars were nowhere near the podium towards the end of the race.

Young renault fan awaits anxiously for the first 1-2 by Renault team since joining F1 in 1982.

Fisichella wins his second career Grand Prix by leading from start to finish! Following closely behind is his team mate Fernando Alonso. Gratz for the French team and Fans.

I don't smoke, but doesn't mean my eyes can't 'smoke candy'

Till Sepang 2007! Jumpa Lagi! (See you again!)
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