the crazy month from 6th august is still not letting up with the Pokemon craze.
particular mention here for the most favored hunted - Snorlax!
Nothing beats seeing a CP??? meaning it's going to be a monster CP!
Snorlax 0. -the one that got away. sgpokemap is really helpful in the planning/hunting. One sunday night on the way to my in laws, the popping up of Snorlax along Paya Lebar Road (near the church) had just detouring and chasing after the mon. Mine got away and Wenhui got her first (CP~1k)
The first Snorlax - It was a perhaps 2 weeks ago, on the way home and with Wenhui, we spotted it on Sightings but it's not on any radar, so the made rush to do the triangulation. thanks to the light traffic late at night as well as the awareness of the roads in my 'hood', before long the blue/white popped up.
1st was a CP319/84/400 IV 87 mon.. Headbutt/ Earthquake. YAY!
2nd is CP1026 / 153/1300. IV 67, lick/earthquake
3rd was a drive OTW home again, the blue white boy popped up and it was Onan road, a U-turn and a mad dash there,we didnt' realised it's a one way road, and had to make a 800m or so detour. By now, the hunt is not locate the exact address, but to look for crowd/traffic/jam! Finally a slow drive thru and we bought caught the fat boy.
3rd: 482/102/600. IV one of the poorest, with 0 Stamina on all accounts!? But still every Snorlax is a good Snorlax!
12th Sept. The trio. It was Haji, and the day started off lazy. A look on the sgpokemap shown a fresh spawn at Ubi Road 2, and wifey and I went hunting, easy enough, it was a huge mon for me
4th: 2097/217/3500 IV max87 lick/body slam (good defender?)
A good pogo buddy sighted one at Woodleigh (a common spot it seems for Snorlax), and it was another short drive. Locating this aint' easy as the mon will be inside private condominiums. A frantic walk/ up/down for a few minutes yielded a 5th!
5th: 2012/212/3500 Lick / Hyper Beam.
The night started with a visit to a friend in Sengkang and I was at punggol to hunt for charmanders (mostly poor IVs) and after picking up the friend at Sengkang (with him driving), and within minutes en route else where, Snorlax popped up FIRST in my sightings. It was a scramble to make a round-about to hunt. It was my friend's second attempt and i held 3 phones (wifey's, friend who was driving, and mine), wifey's snorlax was easily caught.) then i rushed down to join the crowd with 2 phone left. My spawn the latest and after a few rounds of berries/ultra, mine was settled. Finally my poor friend's snorlax refused to stay and it ran away! (CP 19xx!!)
6th 1731/197/2500 zen headbutt/ body slam
it was a superb day with 2 eggecutor and a few other goodies, but 3 snorlax in a day? Can't really top that.
13th september. after a wine dinner, it was a 'tour' of my 'hood' for a friend from Malaysia to hunt for dratinis and the like. It went full steam when snorlax appeared on the map, firstly on sims avenue!
7th 1489 / 182/ 2200, iv max 89, lick / hyperbeam.
And i thought we were done and can go home, after picking up 2 pikachus along the way too,
yet another Snorlax showed up, this time at Ubi road ~4.
8th. 1781 / 197 / 3000 iv max 51 / lick/earthquake.
17th Sept. a regular saturday, house keeping at the studio and after all the sweeping/mopping/moving stuff around, the wifey called and said Snorlax appeared at Ubi Road 2, 10 mins to go. It was off chasing on my bicycle.reached there with 3 minutes to spare!
9th: 1798/202/3000 IV not great. lick/ earthquake.
17th sept. Again, ont he way home, Radar on and it was a decent catch of my first Lickitung, a Charmeloen (my first wild, weak IV), a Flareon (ultra weak IV/CP), and finally a Snorlax! A super jam at Mel's place, I ignored Google's map GPS and went my own route ( minimizing right turns), and it was a super packed Mel's place. I was on East Coast Road heading east, and it was impossible to do a U-turn. A wind down window and popped out a Snorlax! CP 42! One red ball and boom I was on a left turn up still road home. Then let him helm a gym
And i managed level 25 the same night!
18th: A lazy Sunday with regular Yoga. And on the way to work, Snorlax appeared at Balam Road! A 1min cycle and I was there, to just 3-4 pax around. CP 1100/154/1600 makes a weak Snorlax for level 25 player. Nevertheless, a great day to start! CP11th,00!
20th Sept.
I was out and about and the blue/white popped up at Bedok Reservoir, v gentle giant and 1-2 ultras and it was mine!
13th: CP2196 / 218 / 4000. link/hyperbeam, level 25/151/15/7 82% 290kg. XS
same day, with, audio alerts possible and the snorlax popped up right on Circuit road! A short ride and an ultra,
14th: 233/71/400, IV80 max,lick/bodyslam. 502kg.

(sighting @bliss but no Radar to hunt!)
22nd, past midnight, a bit reeling from the non-snorlax capture @ Bliss, the radar alert a 84% Snorlax @ Ubi Crescent, it was a hunt finally! Though the
15th: was to be a a 136/54/200 Headbutt/body slam 'display piece'!?
23th. an early day
#16 near circuit road, U shape HDB
#17 Potong pasir Ave 3 otw to Sentosa
Lapras damn far away.
a Charizard appears and cheong it was , my ran away. manage to get for Wenhui and Dave. :(
Snorlax came up almost concurrently, ~200meters away deep. Frantic find,
my #18!
24th Sat. all day in office, no good sightings, waited all night while continuing work, finally at 1030pm, snorlax appeared, Balam again! #19! Lost Muk and a CP106 Gya finished up the day.