During 31st Dec 2009, somehow a sense of longing came over me. I wasn't prepared to say goodby to 2009. Time is simply passing of minutes/hours/days/months..and years, but the gregorian calendar which we all use have been set upon us, that it is infact significant on many levels that the year is going to increase numerically.(+1). I met up with a long time friend, Evelyn from Victoria Junior College (VJC), and several other mates of the same school at Lunar, Clarke Quay. The same gang did have a countdown together exactly 10yrs ago, (countdown to 2000), the BIGGEST bash possible). And this countdown to 2010 was a 10yr calebration of that. *Goosebumps*. Having watched or shot fireworks (more of the latter), over the last 9 yrs during the countdown, this was a refreshing change. I still love fireworks very much (Especially so when I was editing some footage with YouTube video here. And this post serves to be a think back of the year of 2009 for me.

The biggest single event was the commencement, the graduation from my Phd studies at National University of Singapore (NUS). Having completed 4 great years of Phd and a year as a post-doctoral researcher, I also left NUS.

I"m also taking another direction in photography, I'm still shooting weddings mostly, with slightly more emphasis on travel this year and this was part of an exhibition at The Old School, while we were packing up!
Other noted highlights include travels to Hong Kong in june, Hokkaido, in October (more in my posts under 2009), and truly amazing Bali in November (with the immaculate sunset pubs such as Kudeta and Mire, which makes Singapore's KM8, Cafe del Mar look inferior). Hope to post some images of that later.
I'm also starting into wines, with a blog at http://whoisdionysus.blogspot.com, beginning a long journey to learn about this fruit from god.
I"m also a continued F1 fan, with visits to the Sepang and Singapore GP! Still hope to go Belgium GP one day!! At the Eau Rouge corner!
Lastly, I did complete my first ever marathon at a respectable? time of 6.12. With minimal training due to an injured ankle in september which refused to heal for several weeks. After the Japan trip in October, training was left to 6 weeks and injury /time management was of the essence. Taking care of hydration, over-exertion, and calorie intake, I manage a few exhilarating runs up to the F1 pit building, training up to ~18km. The marathon itself was fun and eventful, with Wenhui taking part in the half-marathon, and fellow mates Loke Yuen/Jing Mei and Guan Hui who joined the full marathon with me. There was plenty of pain, but not a single moment of giving up. The same can be said to life, as the cliche goes, life's a marathon, and 2010 will be just another click, let's ROCK ON, 2010!

I'm also starting into wines, with a blog at http://whoisdionysus.blogspot.com, beginning a long journey to learn about this fruit from god.
I"m also a continued F1 fan, with visits to the Sepang and Singapore GP! Still hope to go Belgium GP one day!! At the Eau Rouge corner!
Lastly, I did complete my first ever marathon at a respectable? time of 6.12. With minimal training due to an injured ankle in september which refused to heal for several weeks. After the Japan trip in October, training was left to 6 weeks and injury /time management was of the essence. Taking care of hydration, over-exertion, and calorie intake, I manage a few exhilarating runs up to the F1 pit building, training up to ~18km. The marathon itself was fun and eventful, with Wenhui taking part in the half-marathon, and fellow mates Loke Yuen/Jing Mei and Guan Hui who joined the full marathon with me. There was plenty of pain, but not a single moment of giving up. The same can be said to life, as the cliche goes, life's a marathon, and 2010 will be just another click, let's ROCK ON, 2010!