Thanks for Wifey, I went to the NDP National Education show part 2 with my parents!
Here twirling like mad......

Ushers and cheerleaders...
all shots were taken with my butt planted to my seat in the orange sector

Excited audience using caps and flags to peer on the dots in the sky as
~9 paratroopers descended down marina bay.

Dudes watching the show (what concentration!)

Majula Singapura!!!
"When I grow up, I want to be a Black Knight!"
They had 'live' conversation for a few stunts they did, well done!!

The finale, with the usual medley of 'We are Singapore, Count on me Singapore' meted out in perfection with the fireworks!!! Really love this part!!

Alas, already kept the tripod after the 1st series of bursts...and scrabble to get this final shot!