Sunday, February 11, 2007


Here's the new kitten! Brought in by my bro in-law from some carpark as the poor kitten was meowing to no sight of its mommy. And Wenhui and I turn to become foster parents.

No idea how the sex yet on the ~1month old kitten..hence no name for it!

One of the first moments which Tommy meets kitten. Tommy was sniffing around at the kitten while the kitten was desperately trying to suckle!!! This was the best shot that I could gather, was difficult to get both of them in proper perspective as the size!

Here one of my fav pix...Love both of them.. *mucks*

Saturday, February 10, 2007

And there were two...

After Mocha passed away at the end of 2005, Tommy was all alone in the line of Feline dynasty. Then we took in Junior, one of Tommy's son. The two was never best mates, Tommy has always been aloof, and cats are never good fathers. Junior would want attention from Tommy, but he'll get little or none of it. All was well for an entire year, we brought Junior for checkup, vaccination and microchipping. Then the worst disaster happened.

Junior went missing on (friday) 26th January 2007. The cats would go missing at times for a day or two, but never for more than a few days. A search through the streets two days later came up short. When I reach home on the following Tuesday night, I went to search again. I went to look under the drains of neighbour's driveways. And I saw a cat's silhouette in the torch's shadows. I went to the other end of the drain...and when I saw the rear end of the cat...I knew immediately it was Junior. My heart sank as I called him several times..and he didn't flinch a bit. I was on the phone with Wenhui through all these...and I raced to fetch her from her home. I took a long stick and went into the drain...and sigh....Junior was motionless. The night proved difficult to pass as Junior was a 2.5 yo healthy male...and thoughts of him going without any warning was extremely difficult.

And now...there's a new 'apprentice' to the 'master'...stay tuned!